Saturday, April 28, 2012

My last day in Bangalore..

 Mumbai, the city of opportunities, that’s what my father has been telling me about this place since last few months. I was working in Bangalore before getting transferred to this one. Yes, I was getting married and my fiancĂ©e works in Mumbai so as a tradition I was suppose to shift to Mumbai, leaving my lovely friends, superb climate and butterfly type lifestyle. Believe me I just loved Bangalore and everything about it, but my shifting took place in such hussy-fussy manner (Friday only I came to know that Monday is my reporting in Mumbai, Saturday after work I had to fly for Mumbai) that I couldn’t even say a proper goodbye to my beloved city then.. When I think now, I just can’t believe that that was the way I left from Bangalore.. The Bangalore..

1st October 2011 was my last day in Bangalore, after 3 years 2 months and 3 days I had to bid adieu to the Silicon Valley. The girl who entered on 15th July 2008 in the capital of Karnataka was totally transformed into a new girl when she left this garden city on 1st October 2011. The atmosphere, culture and people of Bangalore helped a lot in changing my views towards life n people in all positive ways. I was more confident, more sincere and livelier person than before. That’s the gift to me from Bangalore.
That morning when I woke up, I knew that this is going to be my last day in that my very own room in that house where I almost spent those beautiful 19 months and my then city. I got up with heavy heart, took bath, did pooja. Meantime when I went to the kitchen Navdeep came to talk as I was leaving that day. I spoke to her harshly coz I was angry with her for something. Then we happened to have some argument n finally I cried coz I couldn’t hide my emotion that I was really upset leaving her, my room and that house all of a sudden. Then we had breakfast (I guess) and I left that house for office for the last time.
 The sad part was yet to come, when I reached office I worked like normal but then I spoke to Kashif about me leaving early as I had to finish some task also, he agreed like always but I could sense that he was sad. From the time I entered in the office I was holding myself and making myself remember that I don’t have to look sad. Then while verifying the data in system my tears started rolling on my cheeks. I just broke, couldn’t handle myself. All the good memories with Kashif, all fighting, teasing, pulling leg of each other started flashing in front of my eyes. I couldn’t believe that I was crying, literally crying. And when I finally got up from my seat to leave I realized that this would be the last time, when I’ll sign out my ID here, lift my purse from the drawer and turn to Kashif and say “Main jaati hu” open the gate and press the button of lift. I used to do this everyday but today was something different. And maybe even Kashif knew this that today when I’ll lift my purse I wont keep it again. I was talking to Kashif and he refused to look at me that time only I realized that he was crying. It was a sad moment coz we had become really good friends in those last 3 years. When I said goodbye to everyone else in the office they all forced me to stay for one more hour so that they can do the proper send off for me. Though I was running out of time I din want to hurt them on my last day in that office so I agreed. Then they gave me a proper send off with some gifts, bouquet and some good talks about me. I left the office. Kashif and Muni came to c me off till the Auto, yes I was travelling in auto as I had sent my bike to Mumbai.
I reached my place, checked my room and sat with Navdeep for sometime. We both were sad coz time was fleeting and we dint know what to do. We wanted to spend some good time but there was no time. She is not that emotional types (at least not like me) but still we had spent one year in the same house. More than flatmates we were friends. We’d shared all our good as well as bad time with each other. I knew that I was going to miss her and even she would miss me for some days, each n every second was making me more n more sad. It was making me realise that my time in this city is getting lesser n lesser with each second.
Kashif was about to come to pick me up and drop to airport. We (I and Navedeep) came out to the main Road as it was getting late for me to reach airport, yet there was no sign of him. I called him n he kept saying that he’s almost there but it took him more than half n hour to reach there then I sat in the car n engine started. I even couldn’t say a proper good bye to Navdeep too.
There was lot of traffic and I was getting more n more tensed coz somewhere I knew that I was going to miss that flight because of Kashif’s habit of coming late and same happened. I missed my flight but luckily I got the tickets for another flight which was to depart after half n hour.
Then when it was time for check in I had to say good bye to my brother cum friend cum enemy, like idiot he offered his hand and I had to remind him that I m going forever from Bangalore and then we hugged and he had tears in his eyes. He said “ EK PATHAN KO RULA DIYA TUNE” I still remember that coz when I first saw him I never could imagine that we could even be friends. But today was the day when we were crying while seeing off.
Then I walked in, boarded the flight and then finally when my plane took off from the land of Bangalore my heart said “Bangalore I always loved you and going to miss you badly”.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yaaron.. Dosti Badi hi Haseen hai :)

Friend in need is friend indeed. From the 5th standard I've been reading/writing this line in books/essays. Hardly thinking about what does it deeply means.
Like everyone I also like hanging out with my friends, talking, and chit chatting with them. Making comments (of-course on others), teasing each other and doing all stupid stuff are some common things we all share. The most beautiful thing about friends is that they don’t judge you. They just love you the way you are, no matter if you've not spoken to them for months but when you're in trouble those are the people who comes in your mind first and you call them to share your problems, if you're happy you want to share with the people who'll also feel happy for you and again you call your friends.
Generally I'm very talkative so I speak to everyone I meet which sometimes is so much fun and sometime so much embarrassing but anyhow I get to know few more people. I've some friends that happened to meet me accidentally and I never knew that we'll become so good friends, like Shikha, I met her in a parlor, Meera, very sweet girl who happened to meet me in the train, Chanda aunty, that again met me in a train and is so charming ki I cant tell you, she is working for an international NGO and I feel so proud to call her my friend. We all are in regular touch. You always need friends who know actual you, who know that what's going in your mind when you're not even speaking anything. Who can feel your pain as well as happiness! Though it seems very rare to find but trust me I've got some and I feel so lucky to have them.
I read one saying long back "You are lucky if you've two best friends in your life but you're more than lucky if you've one best friend through out your life". I truly love this quote!!  
I've got some very good friends for which I'm always grateful to god to have them, also I've had some friends who were not actually under that category but still I thank god to gave me some experience and lessons through them. I also had some very nice friends with whom I couldn't continue my friendship because I couldn't value it when I had. It's so wonderful to be with friends, you always feel light and joyous whenever you see them or talk to them.
For me my friends are always very special and I always give my full to this relation without thinking pros and cons of it. One of my friend was leaving the city to start her career and I still remember that I was so excited as if it was my job, I made my dad to get up in the midnight because her train was at 1:00 am in the night and I wanted to wish her all the best. My dad drove me all the way to the station. Not only this it's just the example, I've troubles my dad a lot for my friends, like making him drop my friends when actually there house in not on the way, sometimes picking them up arranging something for me and my friends and lots more..  And he does everything just for my happiness. But all this things made me realize one thing and that is that GOD has given me a wonderful person as a friend and that’s NO one else but MY DAD.
 I'm blessed with so many good friends and two best friends one is Neeti and other is Rajini. Both are two extreme sides. One is too sophisticated and arranged and other is too Bindaas and spontaneous. Neeti is my childhood friend who always treats me as if she's my mother. She shouts at me, scold me, pampers me and keeps telling me that "you are good for nothing". She's the one I always love the company of! She's too theoretical sometimes, in everything she has to prove me wrong first and then be little protective, for example If some one says something bad or rude to me there are two things I can do, either give it back nicely or avoid that thing. but here if I do the first one she tells me that why did u do it now what’s the difference between you and that person and if I do the later one she tells me that you don’t know how to stand for yourself!!! She's a real pain sometimes. She's the one who's full of fun, and a big comedy. Once my parents were outstation so she came to my place to stay with me and my sister and those days were too much fun and still in memories. We used to go to one of my aunts place to eat coz none of us knew cooking that time so once when we (I and Neeti) came back to the house we found out that the lock on the door was opened so we both got scared to the core and started thinking that someone has broke into the house. After almost 20 minutes we entered the house very slowly thinking that the thief is still inside, we started searching each and every corner saying "koi hai?" I mean it was too scary but the limit was when Neeti knocked the door of bathroom and said "Koi hai?" after some time Rati arrived and then we realized that while going for lunch we were so much involved in our talks that we actually forgot to lock the door and kept it hanging in the latch. How stupid as well as scary that was but now when I think of all that I cant stop laughing.
One day I and she were going to one temple by walk. We were talking and walking on road as it was a park, suddenly she started running, and then she stopped and again started running. I had no idea what was going on. You know what exactly happened?? Actually she was carrying an umbrella (she has this habit of carrying umbrella always as she's so scared of getting tanned) and while talking she was spinning it like a roller and as one bicycle crossed her the corner of umbrella (which was little curved) got stuck in that cycle. Oh god it was soo funny to watch her suddenly running and not knowing what to do! There are so many incidents with her that if I'll continue writing about them, it wont last only.
What can I say about Rajini? She's such a darling! She's a very outspoken and kind hearted girl. I met her during my MBA days, she happened to be my bench mate. Starting days we hardly used to talk cause when I looked at her she appeared very arrogant to me. The silent reason might be coz she was more or like a celebrity. Her father is a director in Tamil cinema, he's Rajinikant's (The god of Tamilnadu) best friend too. She was so popular girl of that batch that everybody seemed to die to talk to her. But later when we started talking I found her so down to earth and so very opposite what I thought about her. She was such a bindaas girl; I think I've not met such a cool girl so far. She hardly used to worry about others and always on her own. And the best quality of her is that she's a true girl. Seriously, you ask her anything and she'll just open her mouth and everything will be out. She was so bad in hiding things.
Every Monday she used to bring home made food for me. I was so touched by this. We use to keep one word for every person in our class. she has this funda that every human being resemble some or other animal and we literally used to stare at people to find out that what animal they're resembling to. She set the trend of putting dark kajal for that batch. After her I noticed so many girls trying to put kajal same way. That time pass in the canteen was too much fun with her. We gave pet names even to our professors. Once I remember that we drew something (small elephant) on the desk where we used to sit, and next day we both were absent and one professor happened to see that. I heard that the person who was sitting there had to erase that with water. Poor him! The funniest part was that we found that professor resembling with that animal and drew him only. Thank God we dint write his name otherwise we were gone! All those presentations were so much fun because we were never worried about marks and all. We used to give the important notes (orally) just before the exam only and that always helped us. And yes how can I forget she's also the most confident girl I've met so far! She's enhanced my knowledge on many topics (corrupted me in a way as she always mention it) According to me she was perfect, but what I hated about her was that she was too impulsive.
Recently she got married to the one she always wanted to. I must say she's very brave too, though she loses hope like every other second. Every time she was in confusing states with so many things. But finally she got what she deserved and I'm so happy for her. I felt so special when got to know that I was the only one from our batch who got the invitation for her marriage. Though there were some disadvantages in being her friend like people use to think that I'm her friend coz of her status and popularity and being with her would give me also some advantage in marks n all as we were in the same group. When I got my job I was not so happy as I never wanted to work as a banker but still then I got to hear that I got that job just because I was friend of Rajini and so only that placement officer recommended my name for the same. Oh god, frankly speaking people were so jealous, but it never affected me and Rajini.
Then, there is Daniel who is my best friend's (Neeti) husband and very good friend of mine. Who's always on my side, if there is any fight or argument between me and Neeti, no matter what? It's so lovely to know that someone having this much faith in you.
Vidushi, who's my friend since the first day of college and it's been 8 yrs we know each other. She says I'm abnormal, self-centered, and egoistic (I've all negative characteristics according to her) but as it's a very long time she knows me so I accept all that! She's little introvert, doesn't believe in sharing things like I do. There are many good memories with her like all those trips (Nainital/roorkee/kanpur/haridwar) and so many other places in Agra itself, we use to talk for hours in the parking area of the college, staircase and labs. She helped me a lot when I came to Bangalore. Though our bandwidth doesn't match but still after all arguments and fights we've managed to be friends. Noori, is my MBA as well as Hostel friend. She's very caring. Neha, she's also my college mate but we became friends during our training at ADRDE. Before that I had some wrong impression about her but in that training I actually came to know that she's a very down to earth and sweet girl. She got married few months back; I so badly wanted to go to her wedding but somehow couldn't make it! Navdeep, She's my flat mate and it's been a year now we are staying under one roof, we both have very few things in common but there is one thing and that is that we both understand each other. And yes one more thing which is we both are spendthrift and love eating out, shopping and watching movie every weekend. There are some wonderful times I'll always cherish as spent in wonder la, innovative film city, shivasamudram, bannerghatta national park, Goa trip, late night movies and so many others. Kashif, He's my colleague and a Nawab, initially I never liked him but now he's one of my very good friends though I fight with him the most, every time shouting at him with no reason. But I can say that he understand me and never take anything bad. He's helped me a lot, when my bike stops because there is no petrol in it, without even thinking twice I buzz him and he comes to help me from all the way. Generally I'm always out of cash and when I need it without even thinking if he has it or not I just go and ask him that I need this much amount and poor him he just take out his wallet and give me the money. There is a silent understanding with him. I've never seen him angry on anyone. We both belong to different religion and we respect it. Pulling each others leg is one of the favorite past time and we do it at least five times in a day. He's very calm all the time also he's very shy and introvert and that's sometime irritates me a lot but overall he's a good friend whom I can count on. Bhavish, he's my college mate, but we hardly spoke in the college. We became after we finished our college and started working. He's my online friend now. Once when I was going to my native I had my fight till Delhi and from there I had to catch the train to Agra. Like always I made a blunder by just keeping the difference between two of 1 hr in between. Then I got to know that reaching at the railway station itself would take at least 45 min so I was much tensed as it was night time so I called him and he helped me like anything, as my flight landed I rushed and came out and saw him with the ready cab, not only this he also carried my bag while getting to my train compartment, it was little far from the gate so it'd been more tiring for me to reach there with the luggage. I like to talk to him because he always cheers me up. Badari, she's my MBA friend. though we were not exactly like friends but there was some connection as we always loved each others company and we used to share some secrets too. She's a sweet and charming girl Sujay, He's a very special friend, I really have no idea how this friendship actually started but I adore this one. He's very caring, decent and of helping nature. Sometimes he's so childish that a 7 yr old kid seems more mature than him and sometimes he's as mature as a very experienced 60 yr old guy. He's a very good story teller; he can make any story out of anything. He loves pretending, oh ma god I get so irritated sometime because of this nature of him. And yes, he's fond of Salman Khan so he makes full effort to copy him. Copycat!! But still He's so dear to me that I could not afford to lose his friendship and wanted to continue this friendship through out my life so I decided to marry him. Last but not the Least, My sweet little Sister cum friend, Rati, She's 4 yrs younger to me but she's the one who knows me more than me, and most of the time acts as if she's my elder sister. Always gives me some or other advice on some or other thing. Her words give me confidence. Whenever it comes to her I'm always speechless. I just love her.
Deepali, Asha, Anto, Joel, Siddhant, Satish, Priya, Gitanjali, Gaurav, Shweta, Priyanka, Shilpi, Nidhi, Neha, Mona, Gayathri and Ram are few names who have made their precious presence as a friend in my life.
Sorry if I forgot to mention any name here.
Friends are like the voyage that helps us making our journey comfortable. And I'm so thankful to all of my friends for letting me have the pleasure to know them and for being my friend. This blog is dedicated all of my friends.

With all the experiences good and bad I've learnt one thing that you need to trust people just like as you do trust yourself. Trust is the key to each and every relation as well friendship.

Yaron.. Dosti Badi hi haseen hai.. ye na ho toh bolo kya ye Zindagi hai..  :-):-)

Monday, February 14, 2011

New Era Of writing!!

There have been many days I'm thinking of writing this but then as usual some or other way it was getting delayed. Now, as two of my friends sent me their blog for my opinion, it kicked me to write. So I thought let's do it now gal!! But after so many days/months writing something in public domain (I generally maintain a diary which is just limited to me) seems like a new task to me, because it is like a totally new era of writing. What I usually write, in my diary, are the random thoughts which bothers me or float in my mind and I put it in papers to get rid of it.
I cant even recall since what age I'm writing, the only thing I can think now is that my dad told me ,when I was in standard 3rd or so, to write my daily routine, what all I do in a day, because he wanted me to find out my own mistakes (Not in writing of-course), for example he used to tell me that if u had a fight with any one in your school just include that also in your writing and read it next day you'll definitely realize your mistake in that fight and to my wonder I actually used to find many wrongs in my behavior. So the habit of writing continued. I'm always so thankful to my dad for this. For me this process has been a kind of self- realization. Initially (and regularly) I used to write in diaries keeping the language as in Hindi, Writing in Hindi was so much expressive and easy that I can't even tell you, I never use to think before writing even when I was 7 yr old because that was the language I used to think in. But now sometimes I need to find out the correct word for my particular feeling and it takes hell lot of time for me. Even today I find my mistakes (but most of the time it is grammatical as I write in English now) and even now it gives me the same kind of Goosebumps when I read my own writing after some days (because it's not regular process now) and same kind of words I say every time I read them "Ohh god How could I be so foolish?" Well guys there are few things that never change!!
Now people write in such a poetic and impressive way that I could never think of. They not only want to be perfect in writing but also want to get admired for that. They take their blog as a complicated process like first rough draft then spell check then sending to friends for correction or their opinion or so and then finally posting. No offense but I think let it be the way it is. If your friends have to give the opinion or make correction then it loses the originality of its own. I mean it's no more your work or your thinking. Others are imposing their thought as well so it's not only your mind's creation, which I think is bad. let their be as many mistakes as possible so what if it is grammatical or spellings but this is what exactly "you" feel, and that's what finally matters.
Before, people use to write for themselves so that they could feel light because that time writing was considered as talking to paper whereas now people write for others so that they can be appreciated, have comments, likes and many other things. The more "like" and "comment" you have the more successful your blog is. Gosh seems like a competition these days. Before it was like one to one now it has become one to many. I used to write my experiences and some routine so that I can read it later and find out where I was wrong or what wrong I did that time. But now people never write that way they're always and almost positive about themselves and negative about others. And then I get a comment saying "Ohh please Rashmi, what you are talking is called writing Diary not blogging" and I just say Hmm.. But I don’t find any difference in this! I think it is same. Blogging is "the" name given to e-diary according to me but contains the same. Still, I might be wrong and I don’t mind that.
What all I need to do is just keep the pace with time/change because everything changes with the time, and so has writing (diary).

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mhao, Wind of Joy :)

Hey Folks!!

I've been forced to write this post by some1 very wicked.. (Just kidding).. Mhao Nikhan, (" jitna ajeeb naam hai utni hi ajeeb khud haii") is a new and a very good friend of mine. she has come to India to visit her cousins who happens to be my neighbors.
Our first meeting was really very funny. she was lost in the street of 5 houses.. hehehe ( yea actually can u believe it).. and was asking the address of my house to me only :-P.. that was the day after which i couldn't take rest for a single second.
Jokes Apart.. She's really a wonderful person I've come across to.. she's fun, jolly energetic and full of masti.. sometimes very caring, (But i hate it Mhao wen u call me in the office and ask me the details of wat i had... that time i feel like killing u).. ;-).. very positive to life.. enjoys every single moment. Mhao, u made this boring city little interesting to me by ur presence :)
On the other hand, she is also a devil.. trust me.. how many times because of her i've got into trouble.. Ohh gosh!! She loves playing on facebook.. bt she'as no account so this devil use my account and do whatever she feels like.. At a moment she comes and tell me that we're going out irrespective of what I'm wearing, what I'm doing? and after 1 hr we're out of bangalore.. she troubles me a lot man!!!!!! but on the whole we enjoy that also :).. coz its good to be strange sometimes according to her..
I use to read that " friendship has no bar" but after meeting "you" only I feel that " How true ".. Mhao, i'm really gonna miss you like crazy :-(.. Past 1 month flew like anything because of u.. i jus hope this friendship is not like any passing by cloud :).. Seriously, it'll take sometime for me to rearrange myself in this city after u go.

Love you :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Confusion between Dad and I

Hey Guys!!

Confusion has become a part of my life!!! Trust me on this. In a day I’m confused at least 10 times. Like, should I put kajal today or not, should I take a ride or walk to the office, should I take the same way to the office or a different one, should I eat out or cook, and if not cooking then should I take a parcel or eat there only.. Appa!! These all are the small and daily basis confusions for me.

There have been some times when there were really big confusions that I had to deal with.

The first big confusion which I could remember was about leaving my awesome school, where I spent my lovely 12 yrs, St. Joseph. Because in that school after 10th class there was no option for science students L and because of that I had to leave that school but the confusion was where to go. I wanted to go to Queen Victoria and my parents wanted me to take admission in RSS inter college. I was like “eeeuuu please gimme a break guys I cant study in a non-convent school” but after a lot of confusion I had to go to RSS only. L

After that there was confusion about option of choosing my graduation course. God what a big confusion that was! I wanted to do B. Sc. And my dad wanted me to become an engineer. We had many arguments regarding this, I cried so many times because I wanted to have a simple college life but unfortunately I didn’t get admission in any college because of my marks and finally I’m an engineer all because of my dad.

After that the 3rd big one was, what after engineering? Should I opt for some job or higher graduation? Though I didn’t get any job in placement program because that college was a utter flop college. God I tell you no company came for placement in that college but 1 or 2. I’m a UP board gal and as you all know it’s one of the toughest board of India, we peeps get 10% grace marks everywhere but that college dint gave me that grace at all. I thought for some job hunt but my dad brought some form of SRM college of Chennai for MBA. There comes the confusion my mother dint want me to go so far from home, and I scored really high in that entrance exam I was the third topper, so it was quite obvious that my dad wanted me to do MBA from that college only. Finally I’m an MBA graduate from SRM all because of my dad.
